Friday, November 27, 2009


again its Eid times, times to show Allah how much we love him and how good muslims we are!
and that we show by sacrificing millions of innocent animals in Pakistan only if we count Muslim population around the world and make a survey that how much animals are sacrificed at that one to three days of EID...we will come to know its exact count, only in Holy sites while Hajj isperformed its ritually right to sacrifice animals other wise Hajj is not complete...we will come to know that many trillions are spent on animal slaughter just one to three days and made God happy...this ritual is going on since Hazrat Ibrahim sacrificed his dear son in the name of ALLAH, but it was replaced by an other innocent animal...since than we do this ritual...but beauti of Islam is that it can change with many high class and respected Ulema should sit and do Ijtehad so that inspite ogf killing animals same amoiunt should be collected and spent on Human development in Muslim countires and their health and education sectors or in the sectors where we lag behind but ritual at the Hajj should remain same and meat collected should be sent to poor Areas of muslim world and distributed among them who can not afford Meat eating......its thinking time and to save Earth we should save our animals and by that way Bio diversity of our planet.....

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