Fits to European nations and
One thing which western nations are not saying clearly is that they don’t believe any Muslim country on going nuclear even for peace full purposes, which Iran is pleading with International community and IAEA, it has already carried out all tests required by IAEA Iran is carrying out and committed to do its research projects only in non weapon developing areas and for purpose of peace full nuclear energy production for its energy needs , it is not only there right but they are signatories to all international dictums in the field .
of atomic energy like NPT.
It is USA who needs to cash on any misdoings done by any Muslim nation and find a reason to carry out its evil designs on that Nation, world is over all guilty of practicing double standards they have separate scale for non Muslim and Muslim nations post 9/11, more so on insistence on US. They give every possible help to Israel to kill and continue to kill Palestine, they have no sanction for Israel who developed their Nuclear weapons in broad day light and with the help of black market existing in their (western) own countries and in the end there is no action, no sanction on Israel only more and more AIDS to kill Palestinian children.
Iran is very proud country and nation which has developed it self with out help of any of powers, post revolution, but America who has been extremely bitter with them since fall of his crony the Shah, they are trying to destabilize Iran and put what ever hurdles they can so that it can shown to world that Islamic revolutions can not success but they are with out success so that is hard for Bush to digest and any one who follows him, they imposed 10 year long War on Iran when revolution was in its infancy, same Iraq was being given all possible help to destroy Iran even chemical weapons was tried on Iranian people given by western powers or US same Iraq was urged to attack Kuwait and when Iraq did it the USA change the stance and started its game plan which finally lead to capture and put USA on Middle east oil wells for ever , They are literally guarding OIL wells of whole Middle east and its supply line now and they have eyes on Central Asian Oil rich Muslim nations and their will be next move after AFGHANISTAN to break their pacts with Russia and find a new alliances with captured Muslim nations of
Mid East and central Asian through Afghanistan and Pakistan (specially Baluchistan) being their undeclared colonies as conduit or bridge between Mid and central Asia, it will serve another purpose as from MOROCCO to Uzbekistan whole belt from Africa to far centre of Asia is Muslim belt and almost all countries are Muslim if they keep the guard on that belt they will decrease the chances of any revolt against the puppet regimen they have placed in their colonies like Afghanistan, Pakistan to gulf nations and other Islamic nations where there is either no democracy or modified suitable democracies which are suitable to American designs and its only Iran in that whole one third of World that is a free nation !
It is Iran which is thorn in the eyes of US expansion designs that is only thing which makes them hard to digest that even in the presence of IAEA inspectors at every step of their nuclear re search (300 IAEA men) they can not trust Iran’s repeated assurances that they will not conduct any step to wards nuclear weapon development. Only because Iran is A respectable Muslim country and want only to re cognize world its right to conduct re search on atomic energy for peace full reasons, I think they have every right to do so and I am sure they want to make Iran an other scapegoat in their so called “War on terror “or selective target shooting of Muslim Nations to make them totally submissive to their orders in future.
Day before yesterday American plans and helicopters bombed a village in Bajaur agency and killed 18 innocent civilians of the bordering villages of
For next 24 hours government of Pakistan kept mum as no thing had happened in their territory but some where else, other wise they are them self killing their own people in the name of terrorism either in waziristan or Baluchistan so they had no problem if any one else also kills their countrymen in War upon terror.
It was local media and provincial governments who did timely reporting and took serious note of killing of innocent civilians and their aboding in the name of killing deputy of Usama bin Laden , Mr Aiman ul zawahiri who was apparently not there.
What is astonishing is after 48 hrs
I am hurt at double standards of the WORLD media too ! if 18 US citizens were killed in that incident they would have attacked Pakistan and killed at least 18000 Pakistanis in retaliation and after that they should have asked 100 million per person in ransom to pay ! as they did when in 80s a mob destroyed
Now how much they are going to pay for these innocent civilians and also I want to ask how many times they have to bomb innocent civilians for getting Usama or its Aides!!
Does we have any price or we are being killed a dozen a dime!!!
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