Saturday, September 25, 2010

German Assistance and ...........PTSD


German Assistance has Long insight !!

Most of Pakistanis has never been to Germany but every Pakistani is aware of Germany as a country, they Know that Germany means intelligence, innovation,technological supremacy and intellectual excellence and World Wars & Hitler !!! they know that Siemens and Volkswagen are German so is Mercedes !!
Pakistan's relations with Germany remain cordial since its birth but its first time that German government and people has felt the pain & suffering from a matchless trauma in the aftermath of chain of disasters caused by worst floods in the recent history of country, region and world. The pain of fellow human being have struck the world in awe , Germans are no exception it has so much moved every strata of society that even school children has given their pocket monies to help Pakistanis, this was stated by German Ambassador to Pakistan His Excellency Dr. MICHEAL Koch. along with his First Secretary Dr. Thomas Ditt, at press briefing arranged at German embassy on 24th of September although brief started at least 40 minutes past scheduled time but no felt that in the cosy environment of Embassy .
He stated that Germany is 3rd or 4th largest donor among all international community member to the flood affected Pakistanis, GERMAN people has contributed about 161million Euros(about 17.2 PKRs) among them , this is result of a country wide campaign among people, NGOs, German companies and common people of Germany for their fellow human being suffering , we must appreciate the gesture of people and Federal Government of Germany, which has contributed 35 Million Euros ( 3.75 billion Pk r) , these funds were arranged by German foreign Ministry and Ministry of economic & development, these funds are being utilised by various NGOs and United Nation’s humanitarian organizations in Pakistan .
Further more German defence forces as a part of NATO are already contributing to the NATO air bridge, German forces also contributed in kind donations worth 3MILLION Euros. Few Prime time Tv channels ran special transmissions to collect donations for collections of funds and German chancellor her self grace the show and made appeal to public and Pakistan's Prime Minster sent his message, documentaries were run during prime time broad casting !
Germany is contributing 20 percent share in Aid given by European Union and has sizeable contribution in UN aid share too!!
on that occasion a “ Water filtration plant” device was shown to journalists, which was roughly about the size of a small water coolers but made of steel body and about 4 feet high ,cubical shape structure which can be easily carried out by one man on his shoulders from one place to another its called a “Water Rug” , device is sufficient to give purified water for the need of 200-400 people daily, it is developed by a German university students and is very useful device if made locally it can be very cheap in Germany it costs about 700 Euros, which is a very big amount by Pakistani status, any way its technological base was not clearly briefed but at present some 23 of such portable filters are available which will be installed in Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa areas affected by floods.
Germany has long insight and interest in uplifting badly damaged economy of Pakistan , they had clear idea of damage to human being and infra structure of Pakistan and losses we have suffered and realise long road of recovery after damages, because flood is still damaging rural Sindh while this briefing took place, they want to help Pakistan through various means along with helping Pakistan getting access to markets of EU & Germany for this purpose a high class German delegation will visit Pakistan soon.
We as journalist community expressed our appreciation what Germany was doing to help ailing nation and further assistance in coming days for recovery of our crippled economy not only from floods but due to many adverse factors, Germans are very creative and an intelligent nation, they have proven them self time and again just after world war II whole Germany was wrecked but they took no time to recover and we should follow their example and make commitment to our land following their spirits. We hope that this friend ship will further augment and forge a strong bond between both nations. Briefing ended after 30 minutes and after that some questions were asked by local journalists regarding Aid and it distribution system, access of Pakistani manufacturers to European markets and future relations between two nations, to which the Ambassador gave very calculated and careful answers, it was mutually ended on a cordial note around 11.20 Am .

Add:German ambassadors pic.
Flood pics.

medical notes

Health Hazards after Floods and Epidemic of Post Traumatic Stress disorders
Pakistan has been constantly in the eye of storm since beginning of new millennium, apart from recent on going tragedy country is in suffering of Terrorism, political upheaval, man made and natural disasters one after an other, in 2005 we suffered from a huge disaster in the shape of Earth quack in northern Pakistan, than continuous wave of terrorism in northern areas of Pakistan army actions, constant infighting, target killing in financial capital and now the worst disaster of its kind in modern history of world, it many times more than Tsunami of 2004, Haiti's disaster last year and our earth quack combine, its magnitude is almost whole Pakistan along the banks of Indus and associated river system, right from Northern areas of Pakistan to plains of Pun jab and Sindh and Baluchistan, it has cause enormous damage of land, infrastructure, crops, homes and persons, at least 20 million houses damaged country wide, thousands of villages , towns and small cities, including many medium size cities are inundated by flood waters, huge tracts of land are turned in to lakes and oceans, water is still standing over them , crops worth many billion just burnt by flooding waters, huge amount of stored rice, wheat and other commodities , damaged, people has to leave in emergency they left behind their every thing except what they were wearing , many cities were repeatedly ordered to vacate with in hours, some times Government announced to vacate city, town or a village in an hour or two, at odd times of night, after that people who were sleeping peace fully have to arrange transport and leave their home fully furnish at the mercy of god and government but no one pities upon them, its huge humanitarian, Health, economic and financial crises of its kind which our country is going through!!!!
At least 20 millions are directly affected but an other 40 to 60 million is indirectly affected by this tragedy, every one in to fourth Pakistani is directly sufferer but in my opinion every second is sufferer in Pakistan , we who are not affected they have their friend, relatives and associates in the areas , many people working in other cities and towns have their ancestral houses and families living in these areas, they have suffered by these news, people are living in the areas inundated with flood waters around them, on the roofs or small ridges of lands or small elevations in the areas with water around them, that water is become stale, diseases, with dead animals and insects in that water there is no way to irrigate that back to some drainage system. People living in camps are in other kind of social, psychological and financial problems , there are emerging epidemics of many communicable disease, gastro enteritis, conjunctivitis, hepatitis of various types in affected areas, more ever Psychological disorders are started emerging among sufferers and workers in camps and areas of direct involvement.
In 2005 I have seen many suffering from POST TRAUMATIC STRESS Disorders(PTSD), like I was runing a hospital voluntarily in Mansehras affected area for one month when I come back in November 2005 to my home , I was feeling shocks every time , whole day till I sleep for at least one month post return!!! we attended many training programs delivered by international teams of Dr s from America, France etc about diagnosing and treating PTSD , this time disaster is multi fold, there is less causalities but suffering is much much more, people has suffered the wait , anticipation, sudden evacuations , loss of what ever they had in the matters of few hours, many towns and cities in Sindh were badly managed some times cities were ordered to vacate twice or thrice in the matter of two weeks, some time pain and frustration were lingered for weeks like water is coming or not,millions left homes and abodes when water reached and drowned what ever they had they had to save lives only in emergency with women folk and infants or small children this huge saga has very worst out come and impacts on ordinary human psyche, its impact is worst on children, old and women but every one is labile when disaster is paramount.
We were trained by American team of Dr s from Massachusetts who worked in Katrina a year before 2005's earth quack in Northern Pakistan. They assessed every third or fourth person in Katrina area was suffering from PTSD in US of A !!
We experienced this, just by working in the area, many of Pakistanis who were watching this whole thing on TV sets, got affected by this severely debilitating psychological disorder, if not identified and combated timely by Psychological counselling and or medically by skilled Psychologists/ Psychiatrists or any Dr trained for purpose, it can be disabling for individuals and communities en block.........!!!
Areas of Khyber Pakhtoon khwa, Pun jab, Baluchistan and Sindh (almost 2/3rd of Sindh is under water or encircled by water). And people who were living in those areas have long road to suffer and governments , NGOs, helping Nations, united nations working organisations who are working in those areas should be able to recognise this menace at the earliest other wise this can cripple this Nation for decades to come.
All the agencies working in Flooded areas or catering health care management, should send Doctors trained in managing Psychological disorders or should give them a day or two's crash program to recognise & manage the Acute Post traumatic Stress disorders, this is as important as providing clean water, combating epidemics of bacterial, fungal, viral and parasitic diseases or their vaccination rather more important than all of these problems combined!!!!
I was thinking in terms of this that government will remember and realise this problem at the earliest but till now what I have perceived that whole emphasis of Governmental and non governmental organizations is on other things which are necessary too but it is wise to prevent disease than to treat disease, sprays for Malaria prevention, clean water supply, treatment and prevention of infectious diseases is also a must but treatment and diagnosis of PTSD is also a vital thing to do in camps , hospitals, clinics working in the areas, at least one Dr per health clinic or camp or in regional hospitals should be able to recognise and treat PTSD....when your brain is sick , your environment gets Gray !!!!! healthy mind is first prerequisite for road to recovery, re organization and rehabilitation of not only affected areas but this whole nation is needed......!!

DSAS. (; )
Pics of floods,
brain in chains.......!!

Political Maze of Pakistan II

Political Maze of Pakistan!!!(II).

Who framed the roger rabbit ??

Sanity should prevail.......Singing bells of change!!!

DSAS. 27.09.2010

Brace your self for ringing bells of change and heavy boots at door steps of Parliament, than every thing will settle down at its place, judiciary will award them legitimacy of action, as usual, if not they will also be shown door for being a party against various governments, Media will start praising their bravery as usual, as we have seen in past, or they will be banned on one pretext or other, Politicians are weakest link in the string they are proven extremely corrupt by their track records, in all scams our known politicians are involved or their links suspected, they fail to under stand in past three years that whole nation suffered for democracy in long long dictatorial rules, they should have curb their greed but only those are fair in this nation who did not get any chances, once given they are as naked as new born !!!! Government is blamed for being inefficient and extremely corrupt ! From day one they gave every reason to quarters scaning democracy to prove them ineffcient, from restoring of judges, to inumerable financial scams against almost all Minsters and their coteries is order of day, it seems they do nothing except miniting illegal money, they are not concerned with evry day price hikes, rather they were instrumental in sugar , oil and floar price manvuoring , they fail to express sincerity in solving problems rather they tried to take advantage of situation by making heavy and doubful options to mint money , power crises they inherited and was hugely promised to solve in one year but problem's solution offered by an honorable No water, No Power minster was ridiculous and extremely unfair to already debit ridden nation , motive behind that move was as clear as day light ….they failed to see huge local coal reservoirs, they will leave with huge volumes of stories behind them but are the politicians only corrupt elemnt in society....!!!
We all are equally corrupt may it be beaurocracy of any kind, NGOs, traders and all other strata of society only those remain honest who didnt get hands on some thing, Our society is out right corrupt and that corruption is not only in money matters but at every aspect of social life, We misuse our powers, we are extremely biased religiously, ethnically and with pseudo insights all of us are doing one thing that is destroying this country....!!
Coming to my original point back , we have most corrupt system of judiciary at lower levels , we hoped that with change in upper judiciary and its loyality to change system, what we are witnessing as common citizen that judges on a ego trip after their restoration, there is no change in system of judiciary at grass root levels, a common man is insulted, grinded and squeezed by this very same judicial system at Tehsil, district and all levels of Justice, our most corrupt institution is Police and lower judiciary, where cases are sold rather decided on the basis of law and rules written in the books of law, all higher court judges are well versed with problem people face at lower courts and they them selves were promoted from a lower court gradually to higher courts, all respectable judges have experience of being a Lawyers except few they how a common man pays to their Peons, readers and other contacts to get Dates and decisions............And what change they have brought in that system in past 5 years of revolution they are creating, from the day of restoration to this dates they have tried to paralyse adminstration due to their faults but is that the solution ! What will happen when an other Martial Law is imposed due to their Egoist stands against Adminstration , end result is clear every one is playing at the hands of those forces which never wanted civilians to rules...!! they always started campaigns against democratic governments from day one and all parties consiously or unconsiously playing at their hands...!!!
Third party in this game is media, We are having a very insane and rabid media , who is unable to handle their newly found Liberty of expression, since last decade Pakistani public has seen witnessed a huge & mushrooming growth of news channels, we are 70% illetrate Nation but evry one among is a honrary PHD in Political Science may it be a Pakora vendor in Hala's Shahi Bazaar or a so called Dr so & so sitting in a cosy Tv channel show or a ever changing stance as a chief editor of a largest circulating new paper of a BIG group of publication every one wants to run geovernment according to their views, the Pakora seller of Hala or a clerk in primary school and 50 plus news channel anchors most of them paid for their propaganda views and rabid attitude on their programs are responsible for Death of democracy in this country , amny of those salheen are enjoying illegal percks due to their backmailling qualities, they remain in close cercles of governments and heads of states, they purchase clothes from highest designer shops and except plots and percks from govrnments of the day, they portray as most honest persons of the nation but they are all equally black inside, do not want name any one , govrnment records are their how many of them got plots from variuos governments in Past 40 years of their honest and un blamished career of journalism, how many of them are on pay roll of one or other agency or party or group, there are very big names who want to change the mood of listners and fabricate their attitudes towards government of the day by their columns or by vomiting poison on their tv shows.....!! if democracy derails they should also be equally accountable for derailing this very poor nation back to square one, some of them will get minster's port folio others will get plots or get allotted huge houses in the names of their spouses or immidiate family members or any other bribe as “Bakhsish” for job well done....but they should also think at their role in democracy's failure in this country......!!!
Opposition parties and Parties in coalition of this government are either right fully or silently responsible for imminent down fall of this government , some of them are in parliament others on streets they never won enough seats to make achange but they always found a chance when a uniformed person is in power , they are also responsible for democracy's fall often because they are the people who got their chances when democratic forces are booted out, our religious parties remain in power most of the time as most of time this country was under the rule of a uniformed crusader...!!
The largest coalition and friendly opposition and ruling party in largest province is also dragging nation towards Martial Law, although their leadr is expressing his views for in house change but he knows very well that time for in house change is fastly runing out of hands and their anticipated turn of ruling is also runing away very fast, world is changed almost at 360 degrees than was in 90s, in nintees they got two turns each but this time they may not get that chance too, because this time we are already in severe men made and natural crises, beside that in their own party , there are many with fake degrees, many of their parlaimetarians are involved in corruption, credit card theft and they are not totally free from corrupt allegations, if their chief Minster reaches every where at Rickshaw, cycles, Ching Chee it may give political mileage and Personal photo shoot opportunity for their CM but many see as media stunts because where ever he goes he is followed by TV cameras on vehicles while Super CM is trying to reach on Cycles and TONGAs !!!!
MIAN Sb may be sincere with Democracy and a politics of tolerance and have a changed vision but many have doubts in minds, as their own past record is extremely doubtfull in terms of financial corruption, tax returns , Ego problems and their wrestling with Judiciary, Civil and Military Managers of country..what they did with a finest chief justice of Pakistan is not in a distance past !! how they pay for their personal publicity and media image is also not hidden from any one...!!
Same is with self exiled Leader of an ethnic party trying very hard to prove itself and political and national force but right from their birth todate they are a autocratic and strictly fascist organization, they have failed to create impression on me and many others who know their real face, they were fabricated by agencies and is strictly a non democractic organization, how people are forced to vote for them is known to evry citizen of our financial capital,How they back mail their coalition partners and severe ties with them if their demands are not fulfilled, how they summon people to attend their function is known to all, have you seen such an organised public meetings where minsters. Party leaders and public sit as statues in front of telephone sets for hours in an strict like Primary school children or like an army cadets sitting in a well disciplined class room !!! the call for revolution to a nation devastated by huge catastrophe , illiterate, leader less and rudderless was as a huge farce and many know true meaning of that call, they plundered the whole budget od Sindh for ten years , not spend or allow to spend a single penny on interior Sindh the dictator of last decade was an ethnically sick man too , he gave them free hand to plunder Sindh's rights , they want martial law so that they should re start their looting game, they are still doing the same but now seems to change their mind due to problem they are feeling with current government is they do not want Sindhis to come to they did during Swat crises, they fail to hide their true face when issue comes to other than a particular ethnic group comes to Karachi...they have inducted thousands of their workers illegally in various lucrative government posts , with out legal qualifications and fake degrees ..WHY NOT OUR TV CHANNELS SALHEEN ANCHORES AND HYPER CONSIOUS JUDICIARY TAKES SUO MOTO NATICE OF TARGET KILLING IN KARACHI AND THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE INDUCTED AT HIGHER POSTS BULLDOZING THE RULES AND WITH FAKE DEGREES.....why Not 12 May carnage on the arrival of Same chief Justice is being investigated by a SuoMotto...!!! Why Not MUSHARAF is being Charged for tyranny For Last COUPE and 12 years of illegal rule. By a set of SUO MOTTO.!!!
There are many elements in our Society equally corrupt but no one is thinking about them, only onus is on current government , what they dont know is may be there comes an in house change but it will be for limited time and same campaigns will be run against politicians again just to reach ultimate goal by pushing Pakistan again in darkness of Martial Law for another decade...!!
Their is huge corruption is our Bureaucracy , their legal perks and undue expenditures is huge burden on this poorest country's tax payers, regardless of their status as civil or Military they are huge curse on economy, with rise in ranks they cause huge indent in national budget if counted, there is accountability an check on expenditure and now what we spend to save them , many of them do not purchase a Tab. Paracetamol from their own pocket but claim billions of medical expences in fake billing , even a relatively new department, who earns sizeable money and is lable one of the most honest rather unusually honest institute of this country is no exception , there is paramount corruption in that department but most of that done legally as white collar crime and full documentation,but they will kick out an honest Officer who never claim a single perk but same department left him to die when he or she has Cancer for dying penny less.....This is shame less action , How can be that department free of corruption when it can not help its own honest , straight forward and sincere employee, that department is quoted as only honest department by international donors and its models are being replicated, lot can be proven and a lot is done behind the closed doors as legal right.
Education and Health is most neglected sector economically , we never gave priorty to them, our priorties are Nuclear bombs, submarines and aeroplanes for every tom, dick and harry on higher seats

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