a HANDI CAPPED PERSON one who is different in one or many senses from normal people..they can be Blind, Deaf, mentally or physically at loss or even psychologically deficient in one way or other.
In our society we have an inefficient and incomplete system to facilitate handicapped persons, what ever we have is a meagre system in public sector which is hardly able to handle less than 0.1percent population of disabled in country that also full of lacunaea, inefficiency, corruption and lack of comitment is a flop and white elephant which exists in our system as many of such other departments as use less burden on our economy.
I will discuss the Role of that department called Special education system in our country at Federal and Provincial levels, such system of re habilitation being run by NGOs and how they cut pockets of Government and Parents of such needy pupils....and over all role of our society in restricting handicappes to integrate in normal society.......!!!
to be a Special person or handicappe is a constant nagging pain in one who suffers the disability and his or her loved ones.....what society does is agravation of that Pain.
When we will come of age to genuinely help and rehabilitate such can never know...! perhaps not in this millinium......Silent sufi
Iwill continue in piece meal.